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Sociocratic decision making has helped us create vital groups and decision making processes.

We are establishing an Association called Living Arts Base. The following are sections from the association application.


Our aim is to create a research centre in combination with a living community.





  1. Value contact improvisation and other creative practices as life affirming, highlighting the essence of what unites us as humans beyond words and spoken language

  2. Value contact improvisation and other creative practices as uniquely transformative on an individual and collective level

  3. Value the contribution of contact improvisation and other creative practices to a global rising of consciousness, being aware of the inseparability of the transformation of the self and the world

  4. Value a life built on love, trust, deep listening and mutual support

  5. Value collaboration in work and creative practice as enriching and mind broadening

  6. Value equality, diversity and inclusiveness amongst individuals.


Our values will be directly applied and explored in the living community, and promoted and shared with a wider public through LAB. Thus, the community and research centre  complement and inform each other.



 In the community, our values will be lived and explored by:

  1. Using contact improvisation and other creative practices as part of the community building process

  2. Exploring the potential of the utilisation of movement in group visioning and decision making processes

  3. Exploring the value of creative self-expression in personal and collective development processes

  4. Experimenting with new ways of relating to ourselves, each other and our environment, based on deep-listening and trust

  5. Living in an ecologically sustainable way, which includes growing our own vegetables and buying primarily local and organically sourced food

  6. Positioning ourselves in a broader context of social, ecological and economic change-making and spiritual awakening

  7. Collaborating on the different tasks that are involved in running the centre.



 Living Arts Base will run and host events or carry out any other activity in the fields of our interests, in order to:


  1. Share our exploration and findings with a local and international public

  2. Deepen, support and complement our research

  3. Serve as a platform for education and international exchange in those fields.


Our fields of interest include but are not limited by:


  1. Movement, dance and other art forms, with a special focus on improvisation

  2. Somatic practices, on earth and in water

  3. Community living

  4. Deep democracy

  5. Spirituality

  6. Ecology

  7. Social change

  8. Performance

  9. Anthropology

  10. Pedagogy


For the purpose of any activity or event LAB aims to collaborate with local and international organizations or individuals that pursue an interest in the same or similar areas.

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